Friday, February 17, 2006

The time is drawing near for the end of the Ohio chapter of our journey. We came here for a purpose, and that purpose has been fulfilled. We would not have chosen to live here at all, if there hadn't been unfinished business to attend to.

We have known all along that this spring would be the time, as the sap rises, and the sun warms the lands; the time is ripe for growing in a new direction. We have been researching the Olympia area, and there are many things to be excited about. I feel a great longing within to once more live my life near the mountains, and the ocean.

I am grateful that I have had the chance to live here, in Ohio I have been blessed in these three years, to have lived close to my inlaws, who are amazing people. I wish I could take them with me to Washington. I bet that they would like it out there too.

Now, with a bit more than two months to go, and the tax return already filed, I feel the anxiety beginning to build. It has been a while since we have been on the road, and I feel somewhat stagnant. The concept of packing up all of our stuff yet again is somewhat daunting. I have been plugging away at it, boxing up things we will keep, and donating that which is excess. We live rather simply, and have less material possessions than most, yet the task still seems huge.

I am very much looking forward to the feeling of driving west, yet again. To start a new chapter, explore a new place, make new friends, and maybe, just maybe, find a place for my gypsy self to settle down in for a while.